The new language of experience design


The new language of experience design





Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI have the potential to revolutionize not only business processes and software, but also user experiences.

There are a growing number of LLMs on the market, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, Meta’s Llama, and Anthropic’s Claude. And while these large, foundational models are impressive, perhaps the real opportunity for enterprise is to deliver personalized experiences based on custom, pre-trained models using their own data and business intelligence.

Fine-tuned models trained on an organization’s data can create experiences that are highly personalized, leverage domain-specific knowledge, and take into account customer interactions and engagement.

Stenece with words categorized by AI, assigned type, and color.

Making experiences more personal

Integrating AI into software design opens up exciting possibilities for creating more intuitive, personalized, and meaningful digital experiences. 

While personalization isn’t new, AI takes it to a new level by tailoring content, recommendations, and even interface layouts to individual users based on their preferences, habits, and context.

We’re already witnessing this transformation in our projects, including our latest engagement with Fixify. See how we’re thinking about AI in our latest work.

Card linking to Fixify case study.
Card linking to an article about LLMs.

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